Step 1: Simply browse and choose from our selection of products. When you find what you like, select your options (e.g. length, style) and then click “Add to Cart” to move your desired products to the shopping cart.
Step 2: When you are done shopping and are ready to pay, click on the Cart icon at the top right of your screen to see all items in your shopping cart. Double check what you have placed in your cart and if you are happy, click Proceed to Checkout.
Step 3: You will then be directed to a page where you can create an account or continue as guest. We recommend you create an account to make future purchases easier. Choose one, and enter your details including shipping address.
Step 4: When done, please click “Continue to Next Step” to enter your credit card details (secure encrypted network) to make payment. You can also choose to pay by EFT.
Please note that Volure DOES NOT store any credit card details, and that all transactions are handled via a secure encrypted network, thereby safeguarding your credit card information.
Once you have made payment, Volure will confirm your order and notify you when your order is actually shipped to you. Orders are typically shipped 1 business day after making payment. Once a product has been shipped, delivery takes 3-5 business days, depending on where you live in South Africa.
Please note that some transactions may be held for further verification by our customer services team. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 011 787 1707 or email us at
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